Results for 'Std Joseph Nguyen Sj'

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  1.  26
    Consolation without Previous Cause in Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises and Zen Satori : A Comparative Study.Std Joseph Nguyen Sj - 2023 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 43 (1):51-70.
    abstract: This article compares and contrasts the Ignatian concept of consolation without previous cause with the Zen Buddhist concept of satori. The aim is to underscore a unique but not commonly recognized characteristic of Ignatian contemplation and promote interreligious understanding. I argue that Ignatian prayer methods, though primarily kataphatic in their approach, share common features with apophatic spirituality and Zen meditation, even though Zen does not make any reference to God. This article consists of three main parts: In the first (...)
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    A multi-level geometric reasoning system for vision.Michele Barry, David Cyrluk, Deepak Kapur, Joseph Mundy & Van-Duc Nguyen - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 37 (1-3):291-332.
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    The Phenomena of Trusting and Relational Ontologies.Joseph J. Godfrey Sj - 1995 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 7 (1-2):104-121.
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  4. N. Norris Clarke, SJ (1915-2008).Joseph W. Koterski - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (2):1342-1344.
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    In memory of Joseph Flanagan, SJ.Patrick H. Byrne - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (7):661-663.
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    Ex epistulis Philippinensibus: Georg Joseph Kamel SJ (1661-1706) and His Correspondence Network.Sebestian Kroupa - 2015 - Centaurus 57 (4):229-259.
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    Des jardins, Joseph R., environmental ethics. An introduction to environmental philosophyDes jardins, Joseph R., environmental ethics. An introduction to environmental philosophy. [REVIEW]Nguyen Vinh-De - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (3):662-663.
  8. The seventeenth century crisis of mysticism in the society of Jesus: The analysis of Jean-Joseph Surin, sj (1600–1665).Rob Faesen - 2010 - Bijdragen 71 (3):268-288.
    Michel de Certeau has analysed the historical context of the debated 'new devotion to Saint Joseph' among the young generation of Jesuits in the first decades of the seventeenth century. This devotion appears to have been of great symbolic value since, in a hidden way, it refers to the contemplative, mystical life. One of the protagonists of the debate, the French Jesuit mystic Jean-Joseph Surin , offers his own analysis of the crisis of mysticism in the Jesuit Order. (...)
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  9. L'Eglise catholique et la liberté religieuse depuis 1975 in De la tolérance à la liberté religieuse. A la mémoire du Père Joseph Lecler, SJ.A. Mestre - 1990 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 78 (1):73-95.
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  10. Le Père Leclerc, la tolérance et le Concile in De la tolérance à la liberté religieuse. A la mémoire du Père Joseph Lecler, SJ.P. Denis & J. Massaut - 1990 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 78 (1):15-39.
  11. Amann, Francis (2001) Ganzes und Teil: Wahrheit und Erkennen bei Spinoza. Germany: Konigshausen & Neumann, 354 pp. Arnaldez, Roger (2001) Averroes: A Rationalist in Islam. Notre Dame, IN: Univer-sity of Notre Dame Press, $34.95, 157 pp. Bracken, Joseph A., SJ (2001) The One in the Many: A Contemporary Recon. [REVIEW]Human Persons - 2002 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 51:223-225.
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  12. De la Réforme aux Lumières. Tolérance et liberté: autour d'une fausse idée claire in De la tolérance à la liberté religieuse. A la mémoire du Père Joseph Lecler, SJ. [REVIEW]Bernard Plongeron - 1990 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 78 (1):41-72.
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    Contemplation et Dialogue: Quelques Exemples de Dialogue Entre Spiritualitiés Après le Concile Vatican II,and: The Ground We Share: Everyday Practice, Buddhist and Christian (review).Joseph Stephen O'Leary - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):315-318.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 315-318 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Contemplation et Dialogue: Quelques Exemples de Dialogue Entre Spiritualitiés Après le Concile Vatican II The Ground We Share: Everyday Practice, Buddhist and Christian Contemplation et Dialogue: Quelques Exemples de Dialogue Entre Spiritualitiés Après le Concile Vatican II. By Katrin Amell. Studia Missionalia Upsaliensia LXX. Uppsala: The Swedish Institute of Missionary Research, 1998. 245 pp. ISBN 91-85424-50-1. The Ground (...)
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  14. Joseph de Finance SJ, Cogito Cartesien et Reflexion Thomiste.Speziell Zu Dieser Wende - 1946 - Archives de Philosophie 18:137-321.
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    Joseph A. Bracken, SJ. The World in the Trinity: Open-Ended Systems in Science and Religion.Paul L. Allen - 2017 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 4 (1):115.
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    Walking in the Spirit: A Reflection on Jerome Nadal's phrase ‘Contemplation in Action’. By Joseph Conwell SJ. [REVIEW]Robert Darwen - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (4):640-642.
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    Work Values: Education, Organization, and Religious Concerns.Samuel M. Natale, Brian M. Rothschild, Joseph W. Sora & Tara M. Madden (eds.) - 1995 - Rodopi.
    Preliminary Material --Foreword /Samuel M. Natale --Acknowledgements /Samuel M. Natale, Brian M. Rothschild, Joseph W. Sora, and Tara M. Madden --Introduction /William O'Neill and Samuel M. Natale --Section I /Samuel M. Natale, Brian M. Rothschild, Joseph W. Sora, and Tara M. Madden --The Working Class Spirituality /Joseph M. McShane --Comparative Christian Perspectives on the Meaning of Work /Joseph W. Ford --Work, Spirituality, and the Moral Point of View /Kenneth E. Goodpaster --Can Christian Ethics Inform Business Practice?: (...)
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    Intellect, Affect, and God: The Trinity, History, and the Life of Grace: Essays in Honor of Robert M. Doran, SJ, ed. Joseph Ogbonnaya and Gerard Whelan, SJ.Robert Elliot - 2021 - Method 35 (2):61-63.
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    The Playfulness of Gerard Manley Hopkins. By Joseph J. Feeney SJ.Peter Milward - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (1):158-159.
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    Tolle Lege: Essays on Augustine and on Medieval Philosophy in Honor of Roland J. Teske, Sj.Roland J. Teske, Richard C. Taylor, David Twetten & Michael J. Wreen (eds.) - 2011 - Marquette University Press.
    With his clear and accessible prose, impeccable scholarship, and balanced Judgment, Roland Teske, SJ, has been an influential and important voice in Medieval philosophy for more than thirty years. This volume, in his honour, brings together more than a dozen essays on central metaphysical and theological themes in Augustine and other medieval thinkers. The authors, listed below, are noted scholars who draw upon Teskes work, reflect on it, go beyond it, and at times even disagree with it, but always in (...)
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    The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Comparative Theology: A Festschrift in Honor of Francis X. Clooney, SJ. Edited by Joseph L. Kimmel and Axel M. Oaks Takacs. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2024. Pp. xxviii, 526. $195.00. [REVIEW]Peter Admirand - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (5):603-605.
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    The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Comparative Theology: A Festschrift in Honor of Francis X. Clooney, SJ. Edited by Joseph L.Kimmel and Axel M.Oaks Takacs. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2024. Pp. xxviii, 526. $195.00. [REVIEW]Peter Admirand - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (5):603-605.
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    God's Reign & the End of Empires. By Antonio González; translated by Joseph V. Owens SJ. Pp. 378, London, Convivium, 2012, £19.54. [REVIEW]Christopher Friel - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (3):487-488.
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    Die Kontingenz-frage.Stanisław Ziemiański - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 2 (1):261-261.
    Na spotkaniu jezuitów-filozofów z terenu Europy w Padwie 29 sierpnia 1996 r. o. Joseph Schmidt SJ wykladowca w jezuickiej Hochschule für Philosopie w Monachium wygłosił referat pt.: Kontingenz - Freiheit - Theodizee [Przygodność - Wolność - Teodycea]. Sposród trzech punktów jego referatu ustosunkuję się tylko do pierwszego, ponieważ rozumienie naszej wolności i dobroci Boga zależy od rozumienia przygodności bytu.
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    Spór o przygodność.Stanisław Ziemiański - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 2 (1):255-261.
    Na spotkaniu jezuitów-filozofów z terenu Europy w Padwie 29 sierpnia 1996 r. o. Joseph Schmidt SJ wykladowca w jezuickiej Hochschule für Philosopie w Monachium wygłosił referat pt.: Kontingenz - Freiheit - Theodizee [Przygodność - Wolność - Teodycea]. Sposród trzech punktów jego referatu ustosunkuję się tylko do pierwszego, ponieważ rozumienie naszej wolności i dobroci Boga zależy od rozumienia przygodności bytu.
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    “Atmosphere of Truth”: Models for History of Philosophy in Neo-Scholasticism and Neo-Thomism.Р.В Савинов - 2022 - History of Philosophy 27 (2):16-26.
    The article shows the development of historical and philosophical problems in Neo-Scholasticism and Neo-Thomism. There are two key goals that authors of historical and philosophical models of the development of intellectual culture sought to solve: primarily, this is the legitimation of Scholasticism as a philosophical tradition, and secondly, its actualization in the context of the philosophical and theological discussions of their time. After the 1840s catholic intellectuals realized a gap to the medieval and post-medieval scholastic tradition, and their historical and (...)
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    Confucius made easy: an easy reading on this great sage.Yik Suilon - 2007 - Bloomington, Ind.: Authorhouse.
    This is a story of everyday people, probably not very much unlike you or me. The young man of this story did not have any idea how his life was to be shaped by the experiences that occurred, or rather the adventure that befell him as he found his soul mate. The danger and mystery that entrapped them as they struggled to stay alive while they faced the evil and greed that stolen money, kidnapping, and attempted murder caused. Their lives (...)
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    Tolle Lege: Essays on Augustine & on Medieval Philosophy in Honor of Roland J. Teske.Richard C. Taylor David Twetten & Michael Wreen (eds.) - 2011 - Marquette University Press.
    With his clear and accessible prose, impeccable scholarship, and balanced Judgment, Roland Teske, SJ, has been an influential and important voice in Medieval philosophy for more than thirty years. This volume, in his honour, brings together more than a dozen essays on central metaphysical and theological themes in Augustine and other medieval thinkers. The authors, listed below, are noted scholars who draw upon Teskes work, reflect on it, go beyond it, and at times even disagree with it, but always in (...)
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  29. Transparency is Surveillance.C. Thi Nguyen - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 105 (2):331-361.
    In her BBC Reith Lectures on Trust, Onora O’Neill offers a short, but biting, criticism of transparency. People think that trust and transparency go together but in reality, says O'Neill, they are deeply opposed. Transparency forces people to conceal their actual reasons for action and invent different ones for public consumption. Transparency forces deception. I work out the details of her argument and worsen her conclusion. I focus on public transparency – that is, transparency to the public over expert domains. (...)
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    Synderesis as Remorse of Conscience.Joseph W. Yedlicka - 1963 - New Scholasticism 37 (2):204-212.
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    Compact Structures in Descriptive Classification Theory.Joseph Zielinski - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (4):458-459.
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    Medical Similes in Religious Discourse: The Case of Giovanni di San Gimignano OP.Joseph Ziegler - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (1):103-131.
    The ArgumentBy the beginning of the fourteenth century, medicine had acquired a cultural role in addition to its traditional functions as a therapeutic art. Medical subject matter infiltrated the religious discourse via the new thirteenth-century encyclopedic literature. Preachers came to employ in their moral analogies a wider range of medical topics, using sophisticated medical examples and citations attributed to recognized medical authorities. These developments coincided with the growing prestige of medicine as an academic discipline.
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    Forgiveness & Reconciliation: Public Policy & Conflict Transformation.Raymond G. Helmick & Rodney Petersen (eds.) - 2001 - Templeton Press.
    This book brings together a unique combination of experts in the area of conflict resolution and focuses on the role forgiveness can play in the process. It deals with the theology, public policy, psychological and social theory, and social policy implementation of forgiveness. The first section of the book explores how ideas like "forgiveness" and "reconciliation" are moving out from the seminary and academy into the world of public policy, and how these terms have been used and defined in the (...)
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    Christianity and the Religions: From Confrontation to Dialogue (review).John Borelli - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):182-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Christianity and the Religions: From Confrontation to DialogueJohn BorelliChristianity and the Religions: From Confrontation to Dialogue. By Jacques Dupuis, SJ. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2001. 276 pp.Why read Jacques Dupuis's Christianity and the Religions (2001) when his more comprehensive, ground-breaking Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism (Orbis, 1997) is still available? Father Dupuis reminds us in the introduction to Christianity that he has actually written three books (...)
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    The concept of a legal system.Joseph Raz - 1970 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
    What does it mean to assert or deny the existence of a legal system? How can one determine whether a given law belongs to a certain legal system? What kind of structure do these systems have, that is--what necessary relations obtain between their laws? The examination of these problems in this volume leads to a new approach to traditional jurisprudential question, though the conclusions are based on a critical appraisal, particularly those of Bentham, Austin, Kelsen, and Hart.
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    Encoded summarization: summarizing documents into continuous vector space for legal case retrieval.Vu Tran, Minh Le Nguyen, Satoshi Tojo & Ken Satoh - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (4):441-467.
    We present our method for tackling a legal case retrieval task by introducing our method of encoding documents by summarizing them into continuous vector space via our phrase scoring framework utilizing deep neural networks. On the other hand, we explore the benefits from combining lexical features and latent features generated with neural networks. Our experiments show that lexical features and latent features generated with neural networks complement each other to improve the retrieval system performance. Furthermore, our experimental results suggest the (...)
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    Novel Method in Induction Heating for Complex Steel Plate Deformation Based on Artificial Neural Network.Nguyen Dao Xuan Hai & Nguyen Truong Thinh - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    The implementation of an artificial neural network for predicting induction heating region locations is proposed in this research. Steel plate deformations during the induction heating process are produced using an analytical solution derived from electromagnetic and plate theory. The plate transform following vertical displacements in each divided area was used as input of neural following desired shape of the steel plate and the specified heating areas for induction treatment as output parameters to predict and evaluate the model. A dataset used (...)
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    The Moral Foundations of Parenthood.Joseph Millum - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    In this book, Joseph Millum explains how parental rights and responsibilities are acquired, what they consist in, and how parents should go about making decisions on behalf of their children. In doing so, he provides a set of frameworks to help solve pressing ethical dilemmas relating to parents and children.
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  39. Space Colonization and Existential Risk.Joseph Gottlieb - 2019 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 5 (3):306-320.
    Ian Stoner has recently argued that we ought not to colonize Mars because doing so would flout our pro tanto obligation not to violate the principle of scientific conservation, and there is no countervailing considerations that render our violation of the principle permissible. While I remain agnostic on, my primary goal in this article is to challenge : there are countervailing considerations that render our violation of the principle permissible. As such, Stoner has failed to establish that we ought not (...)
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  40. Seeking Confirmation Is Rational for Deterministic Hypotheses.Joseph L. Austerweil & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (3):499-526.
    The tendency to test outcomes that are predicted by our current theory (the confirmation bias) is one of the best-known biases of human decision making. We prove that the confirmation bias is an optimal strategy for testing hypotheses when those hypotheses are deterministic, each making a single prediction about the next event in a sequence. Our proof applies for two normative standards commonly used for evaluating hypothesis testing: maximizing expected information gain and maximizing the probability of falsifying the current hypothesis. (...)
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    Toward an Historiography of Science.Joseph Agassi - 1963 - 's-Gravenhage : Mouton.
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    Mirrors without warnings.Roman Frigg & James Nguyen - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2427-2447.
    Veritism, the position that truth is necessary for epistemic acceptability, seems to be in tension with the observation that much of our best science is not, strictly speaking, true when interpreted literally. This generates a paradox: truth is necessary for epistemic acceptability; the claims of science have to be taken literally; much of what science produces is not literally true and yet it is acceptable. We frame Elgin’s project in True Enough as being motivated by, and offering a particular resolution (...)
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    Values, Spirituality and Religion: Family Business and the Roots of Sustainable Ethical Behavior.Joseph H. Astrachan, Claudia Binz Astrachan, Giovanna Campopiano & Massimo Baù - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (4):637-645.
    The inclusion of morally binding values such as religious—or in a broader sense, spiritual—values fundamentally alter organizational decision-making and ethical behavior. Family firms, being a particularly value-driven type of organization, provide ample room for religious beliefs to affect family, business, and individual decisions. The influence that the owning family is able to exert on value formation and preservation in the family business makes religious family firms an incubator for value-driven and faith-led decision-making and behavior. They represent a particularly rich and (...)
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  44. A compatibilist theory of alternate possibilities.Joseph Keim Campbell - 1997 - Philosophical Studies 88 (3):339-44.
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    The ethics of genetic control: ending reproductive roulette.Joseph F. Fletcher - 1974 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Press.
    "The patriarch of medical ethics explains why some accepted ethical values need to catch up with the science of human reproduction and why newer reproductive methods can be more "natural" and humane than those they replace." -- from Publisher's site.
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  46. On ambitious higher-order theories of consciousness.Joseph Gottlieb - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (3):421-441.
    ABSTRACTAmbitious Higher-order theories of consciousness – Higher-order theories that purport to give an account of phenomenal consciousness – face a well-known objection from the possibility of ra...
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  47. Cue integration with categories: Weighting acoustic cues in speech using unsupervised learning and distributional statistics.Joseph C. Toscano & Bob McMurray - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (3):434.
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  48. Thomas Aquinas as spiritual teacher.Michael Dauphinais, Roger W. Nutt & Andrew Hofer (eds.) - 2023 - Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University.
    St. Thomas Aquinas preaches in his sermon Puer Iesus, "Just as your father begot you bodily, your teacher begot you spiritually." St. Thomas himself has been blessed with prodigious fecundity through the centuries for his teaching in the Holy Spirit. Always, he leads us to think of the Blessed Trinity and all things from God's own view. With new insights into St. Thomas's spiritual teaching in its sources, context, breadth, wisdom, and influences, Thomas Aquinas as Spiritual Teacher presents chapters inspired (...)
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    Technology and cultural values: on the edge of the third millennium.Peter D. Hershock, M. T. Stepanëiìanëtìs & Roger T. Ames (eds.) - 2003 - Honolulu: East-West Philosophers Conference.
    Recent history makes clear that the quantum leaps being made in technology are the leading edge of a groundswell of paradigm shifts taking place in science, politics, economics, social institutions, and the expression of cultural values. Indeed it is the simultaneity and interdependence of these changes occurring in every dimension of human experience and endeavor that makes the present so historically distinctive. The essays gathered here give voice to perspectives on the always improvised relationship between technology and cultural values from (...)
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    The theological significance of subjectivity.Gordon Knight - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (1):1–10.
    Books reviewed:Kenneth J. Howell, God's Two Books: Copernican Cosmology and Biblical Interpretation in Early Modern ScienceRichard A. Horsley and Neil Asher Silberman, The Message and the Kingdom: How Jesus and Paul Ignited a Revolution and Transformed the Ancient WorldJ. Painter, 1, 2, and 3 John Sarah Coakley, Re‐thinking Gregory of Nyssa Andrew Jotischky, The Carmelites and Antiquity: Mendicants and their Pasts in the Middle AgesTerryl N. Kinder, Cistercian Europe: Architecture of ContemplationM. G. Snape, English Episcopal Acta, 24: Durham 1153–1195Gillian R. (...)
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